Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Grey Pearl for Lily(the magic black stone)

This is for May, age 7, younger of 2 (brother seen as smart but selfish), referred because of school refusal. Exhibits anxiety like symptoms in anticipation of activity she dislikes

Once upon a time, on an island called Pupupapan, lived a little girl named Lily Lee. She was sweet as honey and quiet as a mouse. Every one on Pupupapan loved her, but she is not so sure that her brother, Bee Gee Lee, loved her. Lily admired BG who is very smart and always winning prizes; he joins all the competitions and brings home trophies all the time. Lily however is afraid and never had any trophy to call her own. Mama Lee could not understand why Lily was not more like her brother and tried to make Lily join in the competitions.

What is the use, only BG wins in competitions; and when Lily yet again failed to remember all the words and had not trophy to show for her efforts, she felt sad and small. Sometime she would ask BG for help, but he said it would only be a waste of his time, and he’ll end up scolding her.
‘If only I was super smart like BG’ thought Lily.

Soon Lily Lee felt afraid and don’t want to join in any of the activities, as it felt so difficult even to just stand there with everyone. Lily started feeling terribly scared, just thinking about it.

On the day Lily was born her father, who was the champion fisherman on the island, brought home the biggest, shiniest and best looking grey pearl ever seen on Pupupapan. He kept it in a safe place, had made into a necklace on a simple string and as promise gave it to Lily on her first birthday. Every year Fisherman Lee would take Lily to the Jewelers to make sure the string was not too short or too long.
Lily used to hate going to the jewelers as they made so much fast and she gets very anxious and shy when they all gathered around her.

One day as they have put her pearl on a new string and knotted it round her neck, Lily heard, ‘that is just magical, I am sure if you rub it, magic will pour out of the pearl.’ Not sure as who have just said that Lily quietly looked around and saw her father agreed,’ yes, yes, the day I found it, it felt magical too; and I rush home to find Lily being born.’

That night when she was alone, Lily rubbed on her pearl and she turned into a dragon, brave and elegant, wise and regal. The dragon can go any where and able to take care of self and others. There is so much the dragon can do and do it well. Lily felt so wise as she know what to say, when and how to put things right and best of all she does not feel afraid. It felt so good to be the dragon that Lily was reluctant to touch the pearl, she wanted this to go on and on. Lily enjoyed herself so much, dance about to celebrate and clutch the pearl in a gesture of thankfulness, before she realize what she is doing.

Lily turned back to the little girl, but the wonderful feeling continued. Lily the girl remained wise and brave, felt able to look after herself anywhere and being thankful she touches her pearl again. Now Lily would touch her grey pearl to remind herself that she is wise, brave and able to look after herself.


  1. Can I have the 'magic pearl' too, I need it to hit my sales target. Heheheh.. Good job done. Now, hehehe time to put into puppet show. Waiting anxiously.

  2. me to, me to....i also want the pearl.

  3. What is the moral of the story or the main message of the story? How does the elements in the story come together to convey the message within the story? If the story is targeted for May, how would story help her and her anxiety?

  4. The main message - the gift was with us, the ability to tap in on the gift may come later. The fear is real and source to overcome it is within self, tap into the gift within. .
