Friday, July 17, 2009

Samsang Sam and the Swan

Heeee!! Heee!!Hee!!

My name is Samseng Sam; I am brown but prefer to be blue. I live in a village called Dalam Kolam. There is a lovely pond at the bottom of our village. From the pond we get our fresh water and fishes. Nobody is allowed to live too near the pond; all our houses are at least 10 feet away.

In Dalam Kolam also lived TomMeow the cat, with his family; his father Mr. Meow, mother Mrs Meow, grandpa MoorMeow and sister Kittymeow. Others in our beautiful and bountiful village are SillyBilly and NastyNanny Goat, LuckyQuacky the goose and my good friend TopDog the Bully.

I and Topdog keep a lookout and guard the pond. The Meow family is always trying to go into the pond to catch fish, even when it is not allowed. Then Luckquacky is forever trying to go for a swim. Only Sillybilly keeps to the rules but sometimes Nastynanny would lead him to the turfs of grass too near the pond.

We are allowed to go near and into the pond three times a day and the times are clearly stated on the notice board. At other times Topdog would bark at and bites those who tried to come too near, I, Samsang Sam will heehaw at them, kicking at those near enough.

Only Topdog will be my friend, the others will not play or share their food with me, not even Sillybilly. They say I am naughty and complain to the Bigbird who comes, every so often, to change the notice board. Then Bigbird would call me then tie me to the house, so I can’t help Topdog guard the pond for the day. Sometimes it’s Topdog who gets tied up and I have a hard time doing the job all by myself. That makes me so sad and felt like crying. What can I do?

Things go on like this for weeks and months and nothing changes; Bigbird came, put her notice board up, the Meow family and Luckyquacky tried to go into the river. Topdog and I Samseng Sam bark, bite, kick and heehaw till Sillybilly became more and more like Nastynanny, and at times the rules seemed real silly too. EEEErrrr….. What can be done??

One day as Topdog and I was going up and down guarding the pond we notice a swan, with snow white feathers and moving so gracefully, but looked so sad and lonely. Without thinking I walked near to the edge of the pond and asked, ‘What are you doing here? Where did you come from?”

The Swan replied” I am Snowand and I don’t know why I am here. I tired and need to rest in your pond for a time.”

Samsang Sam said, “But you can’t stay in the pond, following the time table you are only allowed to stay for short periods three times a day.”

Snowand replied, “I’ll only stay till I am strong enough to fly off and join my family.’

Topdog butt in, “No, No, you must get out now, it is still off time, get out or I’ll bite you.”

Samsang Sam added, “Please come out of the pond, Hee!! Hee!! I’ll look after you and when it’s time you can go back in.’

At the Snowand came to the edge and stepped out of the water, but when she landed on her left foot she dropped down with a screech eeeeee… ‘oh, it hurts, I must have being shot in my feet, that’s why I got lost from the flock.”

Samsang Sam, “ What can we do? You can’t stand on your feet and we can’t allow you to stay in the pond”

Topdog. ‘This wouldn’t do, you just can’t stay here. Fly away and that will the end of the problem.’

Snowand replied, “ I too tired to fly I need rest and you have such a lovely pond, I won’t disturb anyone, Just let me rest till I strong enough to fly again”

By then the others have approached the pond as it was nearly time for them to fish and wash and gather water for the evening. Sillybilly was so exicted, “ look, look Nastynanny, she is white as snow. If I could swim I’ll stay in the pond to keep her company.”

Nastynanny,’ Don’t be silly, Sillybilly, you will drown and then ruin the water for all of us.”

The meow family came together and said, ‘We don’t see why Snowand can’t stay in the pond, that’s her natural home after all.’

Luckyqaucky added, ‘yes, and I can keep her company for tonight at least.”

Samsang Sam was all for the idea,’ Yes, lets just for tonight have Luckyquacky look after Snowand and we can see how the rest of us can help tomorrow.”

Topdog barked,” what will happen, rules are rules and we can’t have all of you breaking the rules.” trying to bite Tommeow who happened to be standing next to him.

On seeing that, Moormeow and Mr. and Mrs Meow together turn on Topdog and chase him into the pond. ‘Well, who is breaking the rules now!!’ shouted everybody.

Topdog, furious, walk off to dry himself.

In the mean time Snowand had slipped back into the pond, and said, “I know I am causing you all problems but really I will be more comfortable in here and I won’t drown or dirty your water. Only let me rest and tomorrow if I am able I’ll fly to join my family.”

Samsang Sam then realize rules are made for a good reason but sometimes sticking strictly to rules and especially to use the rule to hurt others is not bright or right.

As things turned out, Snowand stayed for 5 days giving each and everyone the opportunity to keep her company at different times. On the last day everyone brought their food and eat together by the pond. After the fabulous feast Snowand promised she would drop in when ever she flies by this way, then Snowand flapped her wings and flew off to join her family.

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